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HTML CSS validators how to check the quality of the website's implementation the correct code

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HTML CSS validators how to check the quality of the website's implementation the correct code 2023

The quality of a website consists of at least three elements:

  • look or prefer website design
  • usability - User experience, UX
  • quality of html, css and usually JavaScript or various types of JavaScript frameworks and libraries

Responsive CSS scroll page background with swap backgrounds

Creating Responsive pages with swap backgrounds CSS scroll

HTML CSS validators how to check website quality correct code

In this article, I will mainly discuss the third point, focusing on the quality of html and css code. I will show you how to perform the so-called validation, i.e. checking the quality of the code using free validators available on the Internet. After discussing the validation of the code, i.e. the quality of the website, I will add a few words to the first two mentioned points, so as to introduce you to the next guides in which I will discuss UX and design.

HTML CSS validators how to check website quality

HTML CSS validators are available on the Internet for free, allowing you to check the correctness of HTML and CSS code as well as the quality of the website. I know from experience that most people are not aware that actually checking the quality of a website's code involves visiting two pages of the W3C organization - developing the abbreviation: World Wide Web Consortium, it is an organization that deals with setting standards for writing codes and website transfer. All you have to do is enter the address of the website you are checking in the right box and after a while information pops up that should be valuable primarily for web developers, as well as for website owners. In this way, the party ordering the website can assess the quality of the website creation by the company creating the website. Validators can be found at:


There can be another reason for errors, the so-called "Masaż," or making as many pages as possible for clients for the least money, even at the expense of code quality, because, as one of the politicians said: "the nation is stupid and will buy everything." But this is also the fault of the customer when he expects a great website for PLN 400. It's as if he wanted to buy a good new car from one of the best brands, with climate, leather seats, etc. for ... PLN 10,000. It is impossible. Even cars from the Far East are much more expensive :).

Don't believe if the creator of your website says that the W3C validators are incorrect or that such high quality code is not achievable. This is bullshit! For example, you can see my hand validację . As you can see there are no errors.

Website quality and popular CMS and frameworks: Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla, Bootstrap

Sometimes you have to compromise and accept some mistakes. For example, when we use a CMS, Drupal, Wordpress or Joomla. Unfortunately, quite often there are errors, the improvement of which is associated with "burying" in the CMS source code or waiting for the next version, in which the CMS community will correct the errors. But in this case we are talking about 2, 3 or 4 errors, and believe me I know a lot of so-called interactive agencies, which have several dozen (and sometimes several hundred!) errors in their own website codes, in html and css codes. Unfortunately, the pages made for customers also have a lot of errors.

HTML CSS validators how to check the quality of the website's implementation the correct code

Responsive CSS scroll page background with swap backgrounds


Problems with the correct display and the speed of the website

on both mobile devices and traditional monitor screens

Websites with good, validating HTML and CSS code are simply correct and more resistant to various browsers, systems and the passage of time. And most importantly: they load much faster than pages with errors. For a website owner, it's probably very important that their customers don't have to wait long for the page to load.

Errors in html and css codes usually cause display problems. Sometimes in one of the leading browsers, and other times in several. It is a mistake to think that since my browser displays the page correctly, the others will do it too. Browsers have their own rendering engines, so e.g. Google Chrome and Safari use Webkit, Firefox uses Gecko, Opera Presto and Edge .. - anyone uses it ?? Browsers try to be intelligent by offering various systems to correct code errors, but they are not able to capture all, especially when there are a lot of them.

And you should know that when a user of your page incorrectly opens some elements of the page, he will probably leave your page and this is called lost customer :).

Problems in positioning

Problems in positioning - Internet search engines use the source code to index the content of the website. Which means they are not looking at how the page is displayed, but what is in the HTML document. I stress! Search engines read the code and its correctness. They don't see the page like you. So even if you do not see errors in the page codes, search engines capture these errors and negatively evaluate the page. The more errors in the page code, the lower the rating.

HTML declarations HTML5 HEAD

This is an html page, so you need to create the entire html structure. Start with HTML5 related declarations.


Now you know how to check the quality of your website due to the correctness of HTML and CSS codes. If you have carefully read my advice, you will do it yourself and without much problem. But remember also about the contract. The contract you sign with the company that makes your website. If there are no relevant provisions in the contract regarding the quality of your website code, only the request or legal action remains. Therefore, before you sign something, read the contract carefully.


Appearance - website design is the feeling of users and website owners regarding the so-called beautiful or extremely ugliness. The site's appearance is connected with very subjective feelings for each of us. Just like in life, some prefer short brunettes, others tall blondes, and others well-built dark-haired atyn. It is similar with the website. It often happens that between the initial appearance proposed by the designer and what the customer finally accepts is the gap. Sometimes it's just not worth fighting with the customer about the appearance of the site. If he has his vision and is the owner of a small or medium company, ruling the company with a strong hand (and this can usually be seen immediately), it is better to immediately submit to his vision than to "fight windmills."


Usability - User experience, UX - the whole experience that the user experiences when using your website. Some people think that the website design mentioned above is part of UX. For me it's a matter of "academic considerations." And personally, I prefer to separate the appearance of the site from its usefulness. UX is a very extensive issue and as I mentioned I will describe it in the next article. Here, I will only emphasize that as part of UX one of the most important elements is the matter of adapting the website and its functionality to devices with different screens, i.e. responsiveness, "mobile friendly", etc.

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