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Project management service project project management stages

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Project management service project project management stages

Training management free training manager manager In this part of the free Project Management training you will find information on the traditional approach to project management, sometimes called "phase" or "phased". This approach is very simplified by dividing the project into several phases / stages. Hence the name;).

The concept of PROJECT is very broad, thus PROJECT MANAGEMENT is quite a field of knowledge. The easiest way to understand this concept will be based on a specific example. That is why I will present an outline of a sample project showing the project management methodology from scratch. One of the biggest problems of most companies is the organization of effective sales, which is why I have developed an example from this most difficult part of any business, i.e. an effective promotional project that results in sales. Before we get into the details, I suggest to initially divide the project management into several stages.

Project Management stages

  1. Planning - preparation of the project based on objective premises.
  2. Analysis of the prepared plan from the so-called stakeholders - in our case with potential clients, an external consulting company and employees directly and indirectly involved in the project.
  3. The final version of the project plans will be created - ready for implementation.
  4. Pilot implementation of the project, leading to possible changes and corrections to the project plans, and in extreme cases to abandoning the project.
  5. The proper implementation of the project in accordance with the prepared plan.
  6. Project evaluation during its lifetime - monitoring activities by indicating irregularities in implementation or assumptions result in ongoing changes in the implemented project.
  7. Final evaluation - after the completion of the project, which is a summary of the project implementation and indicating conclusions for the future.

Project management - sample project:


I invite you to the next part regarding Project Management

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