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Explanation of terms - what is it: HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL, SEO, CMS

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Explanation of terms - what is it: HTML,   CSS, PHP, SQL, SEO, CMS

Internet, modern internet technologies, internet applications and many, many more more or less complicated names. Below you will find explanations of some of the most important and popular concepts related to internet technologies.


Explanation of terms - what is it: HTML,   CSS, PHP, SQL, SEO, CMS


HTML - what is it?

HyperText Markup Language - a tag-based language (HTML tags) designed for creating websites. With its help, we can control the layout and structure of the website by "arranging" page elements. Increasingly used also for creating e-mail templates.


CSS - what is it?

  Cascading Style Sheets (CSS; Cascading Style Sheets) - a language used to describe the appearance of our site. Thanks to CSS, we can change the display of its components: fonts, references, margins, the position of a given element relative to the browser window or other elements.


PHP - what is it?

An object-oriented scripting programming language designed   to generate websites in real time. PHP scripts can be used to display HTML code, but they can also be nested in it - we will get the so-called dynamic website. Using PHP significantly speeds up work even on simple pages and opens the way to advanced solutions.



Explanation of terms - what is it: HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL, SEO, CMS


SQL - what is it?

Structured Query Language - a language used to create databases and manage their content. One of the database management systems is MySQL, which in combination with PHP will allow us to create an interactive website. Nowadays, it is a standard in communication with database servers.


SEO - what is it?

Search Engine Optimization - these are activities aimed at promoting a given website in the highest possible position in search engines for specific expressions and keywords. In Poland, SEO means both website positioning (adding to directories, etc.) and its optimization (improvement of code quality, improvement of keyword intensity).


CMS - what is it?

Content Management System - website content management system - a program (most often written using PHP, using a database, e.g. MySQL) enabling easy, not requiring learning of any of the above mentioned languages, creation of websites. The level of page progress depends on the capabilities of the system.

 See free website development training:

Creating responsive mobile websites - free training guide

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