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Change management in the global economy and enterprises

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The 21st century is a time of very rapid social and economic changes as well as changes in enterprises. The environment in which companies operate is changing extremely quickly. Only a few years ago, knowledge of the industry, good product, professional and hardworking employee team was enough to achieve success. Unfortunately, the globalization of the economy has meant that Poland is no longer a green isolated island, but one of the elements of the international economic organism. And this, in turn, means that the elements listed above: knowledge of the industry, good product, professional and hard-working employee team - definitely not enough to grow even a small company. Currently, interdisciplinary knowledge is needed to manage and develop the company, including - in addition to the elements mentioned above - also: knowledge of the economic conditions in which the enterprise must operate. In particular, it is necessary to know the habits, expectations and needs of consumers and potential consumers.

Change management in the global economy and enterprises

To make everyone aware of the speed of change nowadays, we have prepared a special animated film "Chaos in the economy and modernization of enterprises (Change management in the global economy)", showing the dynamics of change. 

I invite you to watch a film presenting changes in the global economy and in enterprises.

To better understand the need for change - we recommend watching the video below showing the changes in international finance and the economy. Click the PLAY icon (triangle) to start the session.


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